Monday, October 31, 2005

Timeless Lantern

This is another picture from the same Japanese garden that is pictured 2 postings below. The part I like most about this picture is the little mosses that are growing on the stone lantern. A detail like that only comes from years and years of sitting out in the weather and is something you can't design. Something that I would really like to see but never have is a Japanese garden at night where all the lanterns are lit up, casting their tiny lights across the waters and highlighting bits of the forest. Nightime gardens are probably the most interesting gardens because the other sences like sound are hightened and much more meaningful. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Chinese Garden

Today I am giving you an image of the Chinese Garden that is in the St. Louis Botanical Gardens. I took this one just after the butterfly picture below so read that one to get more information about that day. I find it interesting to compare Japanese and Chinese gardens together since they are so different in style but still try to reflect nature. One thing that Chinese gardens have a lot of that Japanese Gardens don't is the use of limestone rocks. These odd shaped rocks cant be found in Japan but in China are used extensively in gardens and decoration. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Peaceful Garden

Welcome to Japan. This is the first of my Japanese pictures to arrive on this site and there most likely will be several more before I am done with them. I went to Japan a few years back and took a lot of pictures while I was there. I was able to capture a few good pictures and will post some of them since many of you haven't seen the edited versions of them yet. Posted by Picasa

Potted Plant

I took this one a long time ago with my olympus camera. At the time we had plants in pots out on our back deck which made the deck look great. I had to stand on our upper deck to get an angle like this and I like how it turned out. Not to often do you get to see a potted plant from directly above. Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 28, 2005


This is an interesting Butterfly shot that I captured 2 years ago at the Missouri Botanical Gardens during the Japanese Festivile. I was walking around with my brother trying to capture spaces with my camera and found a nice butterfly in the flowers. Well I was lucky enough to capture it before it flew away like all butterflys do. I know this is the 3rd posting today but I have a few precomposed pictures that I have worked on before and I would like to get them up here to make this site have a set of pictures to start out with. Posted by Picasa

Morning Horizion

We were up bright and early at Marlatt Park this day to sample plants along a traverse and we got to see the sun rise. This was taken on top of a tall cuesta called "Top o' the World" and from up here you get an excelent view of the entire Manhattan area. From this point of view the main city would be just to the right of this image. The part I like most about this picture is the way the light seems to bend around the sun. The deep red part of the sky almost looks like distand hills or clouds to me. Posted by Picasa

Two Frogs

This one is a classic!This picture was taken a few years ago at my house in St. Louis. About 2 or 3 times a year we get a really big rain that formes rivers in the two drainage channels inour back yard. When enough water is flowing the upper channel overflows and runs down through our landscaping to the lower channel. It just so happened that during this storm the water formed channels between the frogs' leggs creating an interesting image. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Greetings from Marlatt Park

This is a picture I quickly threw together from my extensive library of Marlatt Park pictures. My natural systems class is using Marlatt Park (at Seth Childs Rd. and MArlatt Ave.) as a place to study and I have amased a very large collection of pictures of the park. I will probably post several pictures from the park since I am using it as a place to practice photography and learn more about it. Posted by Picasa

Yeah Blog

Well its about time that I create a space for me to use to develope and work out my photography. I wish to make photography into a developed hobby and this site might be a good place to get feedback on some of the pictures.