Welcome to Clearwater, KS. It is in this small town of 2,500 people I will be working on a redevelopment plan for their city park. Well...me and the two others in my group. This will be the closest to a real project than I have had before. The town even covered the travel expenses of the group for driving the 3 hours down there. Well they just recently built an aquatic center here so there is a large pool with several curvy slides that attract a lot of people during the summer months. The first thing that struck me when we drove into this town is that all of their street signs are actualy s
mall windmills with the street names on them. (picture on Left) I think that this is the most unique thing I have ever seen a small town do. The picture on the right is one of the smaller playground sets that is in the park. Our job for this project will be to make the place look better and less of an eye sore. The town has shown with the recent construction of the water park and the windmill street signs that they want to improve their image. Hopefully my group will be able to come up with some nice ideas that they will incorborate into their final plan.