Tuesday, November 28, 2006

When plants go bad...

So after my long break from posting on here I finally have found time to start back up again. I have recently gotten a hold of my pictures from my trip down to Oklahoma this past summer and so now I have a whole new set of pictures to draw from. In case you are wondering, the spiky palm tree thing in the picture is not native to Oklahoma, nor is it growing outdoors. This was found in an indoor tropical garden somewhere in downtown Oklahoma City. At first look I though this was a really evil version of Bamboo but it actually is a type of Palm tree that has decided to become no so friendly to tree huggers. Yes, those spikes are several inches long and no, I do not suggest touching them since they are quite sharp. However, this would probably be the perfect candidate for an ugly stick if you were ever in search for one.
Also as a side note, the spikes only seem to develop on the lower 20 ft. of this palm which seems to grow well over 50 ft tall.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Spring time in DC

So I've tried a few times this past week to upload something but it wasn't working so sorry for being so slow with it all. This is a magnolia flower from a magnolia tree in Dumbarton Oaks in DC.
Normally I don't like these trees very much because the giant but sparse flowers just seem to gaudy to me. In the spring time the tree looks like a bunch of twigs with a few giant flowers hanging off the ends of it.
However, with this picture it seems alright since you don't see the flower in its context. All you see is the lone flower in a world of Blue...no distracting bare branches, no competing flowers, not even clouds for the most part. Just the flower and the open sky. Now there is a lot of extra meaning that can be taken from this picture but I will hold off on talking about it for now and let you discover it for yourself.