Monday, March 27, 2006

Rocks in a line

So...after spending 5 days in Washingtion DC and taking over 2650 pictures...I decided to use this picture as the first one that I put up online. Despite the fact that this picture shows no context to the place it was taken and probably brings no thought of DC to mind, I still decided that this will be the first image to go up. This was taked in Dumbarton Oaks, a very beautiful private garden in DC that had a very interesting inlaid rock garden that was originally a tennis court. I don't have that much to say about this image so I will leave the rest of photo observations up to you guys to handle. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Kitchen M said...

so, you walked on this?
when i first saw this picture before reading, i thought that this was a wall. i've seen this kind of walls in japan. so it reminded me that. :)