Monday, August 14, 2006


This is a Japanese Benchmark. Now if you don't know what that is, it's a permanent point that surveyors and construction people use to figure out where everything should go when they build. When you construct something like a building or a road you have to start somewhere and these benchmarks are that place. What fascinated me so much about these marks is that in Japan there are just so many of them. Though I know we use a lot of them here in America, I just have never seen so many visible benchmarks all over the place until I walked around the streets of Japan. I believe that in America most benchmarks are located as to not be visible and out of the way. However in Japan these little markers were on every street corner. So as I walked I started to take pictures of some of them since I liked getting pictures of utility related things like manhole covers and other stuff since they all looked so cool and decorated in Japan. What I like about this pictures is how the paving corners cut in and out of the picture frame. So I will leave you at that as you stare endlessly into the benchmark and notice something that you normally just pass on by.


Anonymous said...

nice composition bud. did you modify the frame after-the-fact or is that how you took the picutre on your camera?


Jonathan said...

This is how I took it. When I was looking at it through the viewfinder I saw this and thought it would make a striking composition.