So how many of you know what this thing is? Well, the purpose of the pipe, now that I have though of it, is to keep the lake from rising to high and washing over the road that I am standing on. If that's it's purpose, why is that beg red metal cage sitting on top of it? Well from what I can figure out, the big cage is probably in place to keep big, floating objects like little children and animals from being sucked in when the lake is high. Also, I am betting that the reason it rises up in the center is to keep it a visible as long as possible for when the lake gets really high and the water is rushing in really fast, probably even making a whirlpool. It's on days like those that it's not so good to be swimming in the lake.
So talking about the picture now, this was taken shortly after a fish or something splashed the surface of the water and started the ripples. As soon as I saw it It struck me that this would make an interesting picture because of the ripples. I wanted to get the shoreline out of the picture as best I could but I was rushed on time since the ripples were fading fast.
This picture also comes from the weekend trip to Lebanon, MO and is from almost the same spot as the morning light picture below...Only looking the other way.