Thursday, September 14, 2006

It's Fall!!

It's Fall everyone.....well, not exactly. This was taken last year in the place where I always park my bike near studio. In about a month all the trees will be changing color in preparation for the coming winter. There is another picture up here that was from this set so check it out. I cropped the image a little since the big, pinnatly compound leaf (the big one with 7 leaflets all attached on the same stem in the center) was taking up the center of the picture and I wanted to move it to one of the corners. In real life the colors were this bright, though when I took the picture the lighting caused the original picture to fade them a bit. After a little photoshop though I brought them back up to their original color. This is one reason why I enjoy parking my bike in this particular place, the trees all around splatter it with the coolest colors in the fall.

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