Monday, December 03, 2007

The good Life

So in contrast with the last post which came from the highways of LA, this one comes from the old growth forests of the high Sierras. Actually, though you can't see it in this picture, this was taken in Sequoia National park and all around me are giant sequoia trees. Anyways, this place was amazing. We got up here early in the morning and found a great trail that was completely devoid of people. Morning light is really great up here for taking pictures.

extra notes about the picture: This picture is actually a merging of two different shots. One focused on the background while the other focused on the moss/mistletoe? covered foreground tree.

Well thats all for now, enjoy!


Samantha said...

The fluffy white stuff is what I live for.. and thanks to global warming just don't get to see a lot of. You did an 8 month internship to I take it? Is it built into your schedule as a landscape architecture student? I'm just curious about other LAs other places and how their programs work.

Thanks for the post :)

Samantha said...

Your program sounds like it is run very similar to mine. I'm in my 4th year right now so my 8 month internship is coming up.

Yep, DTJ Design so I am assume it's Clarence you're talking about? He emailed me a couple times with advice about housing and the internship.. He was very nice and very helpful. Small world though. I have a friend who is doing LA in the grad program at K-State. She's in her first year for that right now.

So Clarence might be going back after he graduates? I'm hoping, assuming I love working there, that I get offered that too. I would LOVE to live in Boulder.. So you're a 5th year then? Any plans for after graduation?

Samantha said...

You should pry post another blog so I don't have to keep commenting on the same one.. ;)

So Kansas City or Denver?! I'm surprised you're perplexed about this one.. Hands down Denver! It's just too beautiful to pass up and they're having so much growth there are tons of opportunities out there.. but seriously.. the mountains?! what more could you ask for? As for Boulder- it's like an LAs dream city.. so well designed and soooo beautiful.

Your studio this year sounds awesome. It's great being able to work with architects instead of always working against them (Here it just seems like they think landscape architecture is putting trees in peoples backyards.. even tho they see our projects and how complex they can be.. it's just a hard stereotype to get away from i guess) We had a prof that is both an architect and landscape architect so for one project we had to develop the building and its site. It was a great project because it taught us how to integrate the building into the landscape and that you need to think about that just as much as the architect does for a design to truly work.

So why the name the google tree?