Thursday, December 06, 2007

The River

What boggles my mind about the whole riverfront project I'm working on is that the city has hasn't put nearly the kind of effort into developing the site like other cities have. I mean, just look at the image above taken from the lookout of the Town of Kansas pedestrian bridge and tell me this is not a great place. And though you can't see it so well in the image, the entire opposite shore is actually somewhat naturalized! The shoreline has been allowed to develop however it wants to with a levee behind it that's covered all in native riparian trees. Whats even better is that the trees are all tall and dense enough that they almost completely block from view all the heavy industrial lands behind them. Kansas City is sitting on a gold mine with it's beautiful natural riverfront and almost nobody knows about it.
Just look at any major city in the Midwest with a major river running through it and both banks are usually packed with random industrial stuff with no signs of naturalness. But here, despite the fact there's a major industrial hub just north of the river and the city center sitting a mile to the south, the river itself is actually a very quiet, somewhat natural place with little view of heavy industry. Coming out here, you can almost get sense of what the place may have looked like 150 years ago when the city first started to develop. That is, not considering the three sets of bridges that jump out from the city to the south and disappear into the dense vegetation to the north.
For my site, the naturalness is much more diluted with 3 railroad lines running through it and a small coal power plant to the SE that supplies steam to most of the buildings downtown. Add to that an archaeological dig for the original town of Kansas, two power substations, and a recently created wetland from an old failed project on the site and you've got one fun riverfront project to work with. I guess its these kinds of projects that we live for as Landscape Architects though.

Anyways, Enjoy the picture and I'll add more from the site soon. In the meantime, we just got an inch or two of snow and I'm going outside check it out.


Samantha said...

First of all..Beautiful picture!! Secondly, I'm highly aware of brian clark.. we have a branch in des moines.. My roomie got a job offer from them for the 8 month internship.

I love the google tree story.. It's delightful. 6'5 is pretty tall.. I'm 5'10ish so I can appreciate a tall guy. That cool that photography is kinda the muse behind your blog. My blog is sorta new and I really need to get it out of a head a lil and maybe "specialize" in something to write about instead of my feelings all the time. Who knows where it'll go.. I'm more hooked to it now than I was a year ago when I started it.

Either Kansas City or Denver would be excellent choices.. I'm just kinda partial to the mountains..

Back to your river post.. Sioux City would make you soooo uphappy. There river bank is all rip rap old pieces of concrete.. it's horrible! There's hardly any plantings besides for scrub kinda willows and other invasive species.. It's really quite sad actually. Taking something as beautiful as a river and turning it into what they have.. That's really just the tip of the iceberg with that city tho..

Samantha said...

ISU only pumps out about 35 LA students a year.. and many of us just don't wanna stay around Iowa.. Especially so close to where we go to school at. There are always those few tho that do stay (I'm not one of them..)

My DC pic is from a trip with my LA class 2 years ago too.. well it'll be 2 years next spring. Did you guys go to Dunbarton Oaks (Pretty sure that's not spelled right..)? There was another garden we went to that I can't think of but it was equally as fabulous and had the most amazing forsythia.. like pure golden yellow and very bright. It was amazing. I might have to post one of those pics too.. Just too beautiful not to share..

Sounds like model building went about the same for you as it did me.. Lots and lots of time.. The model that originated from my very first model happens to be my most favorite model tho.. I still have it.. I can't throw it away! It's so hard to throw stuff you worked on for so many days..

Thats exciting you get to be an uncle! I have two nieces and a nephew but they live in Michigan and I hardly ever to get to see them.. One of my best friends from hs just had a baby tho.. I'm kinda taking the aunt role with that too.. Her baby was a week old when my Mom passed away so I spent a lot of time there holding her.. It's impossible to be sad when you're holding a baby..

Your grandparents house sounds amazing.. and relaxing. I bet they absolutely love it there. I, myself, have never heard of Evergreen but hopefully once I move there I'll start to recognize towns that are around and near the Denver/Boulder area..

I'm starting to get pretty excited/nervous about the big move.. Being from Iowa.. I don't know how I am gonna handle such amazing views day after day.. I have this strange feeling I am not gonna wanna come back..